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Radio Submission

Hey! You wanna put stuff on the radio? I'd love to have you!
This is the submission form for just that. Here is some basic info.
-Submissions for segments MUST be at least an hour, unless they are live or otherwise mold-breaking.
-No hate content. This hasn't really come up, but I'm putting this here just in case.
-I run this by myself. Meaning that some *extra creative* ideas may be out of my technical wheelhouse, but I promise I will always do my best to make your idea happen. Currently working on: Taking live callers, event specific chat boxes, request box, etc.
-If you hope to run an automated reoccurring scheduled segment, your music or other audio content MUST be switched out every few months. I reserve the right to deem a segment "abandoned" and open the time slot back up. A dead station playing the same stuff everyday is no fun for anyone.
-Contact me for the analytics of your segment or event!! I track just about every piece of data I can, so I can send you charts and stuff about your listener stats!
-While most forms are here on a -as needed basis-, I require event name, content, and contact info of your choice, I respect privacy 100% but I need to be able to contact you about your submission!
-I try to accept things in all forms to try and make this as accessible of a activity as possible, but may need to contact you further to make things easier on my end.
-Full day special events may play over your weekly scheduled segment....... sorry. Full day events happen once every month or so. So it wont happen too often, and you will know in advance. Again, we try to keep it different and interesting here.
If approved, you can expect to hear from me within about three days!
Now lets answer some questions................

Name and Segment Name

Formatted like :
Your Name - Segment Name

Whats your idea?

Include what technical support you need. If your just playing music, link submission is a later question. Tell me about the genre or vibe! Sell me on your idea! (no more self depreciating jokes like "my bad music taste" or else I'll believe you and not wanna play it!)

Formal Description for the schedule


Reoccurring events happen on a weekly basis. For example, wanting your music played happening Wednesdays at 6. or whatever day/ time. NOTE: THIS STATION RUNS OFF OF US EASTERN STANDARD TIME. Please plan accordingly! Check radio site for broadcast schedule.

Link to content.

i.e spotify or youtube playlist, or where other content you've made may be hosted. NOTE: I do not run straight from playlists, I acquire all the music I am able to and host it myself. so if the playlist is altered, I will have to go in and update it manually, so you have to let me know.

File Upload (if needed)

Personal Contact Info

Whatever medium you prefer :)

Thank you for your interest!!!
I should get back to you in a few days if approved.
Oh! And don't forget to spread the news about your segment! Listeners keep this going! I will not advertise for you! (I've already got enough going on!)
lets make cool community radio together!
You can contact me at [email protected] regarding any questions, comments, or concerns. Peace and love on planet earth!!!!!!!