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Use this form to book an advert or notice with us

The tables below give our current rates and prices.

What kind of advert would you like to book?

How many issues would you like the advert to run for?

How frequently do you want your advert to be published?

When would you like the adverts to start running?

We will run adverts in the next edition after the date you choose. Publications dates listed here.

Would you like the advert to be colour or black and white?

Colour adverts have limited availability and are twice price listed above. We will advise on availability after you book.

Is there anything else we should know about this advert?

Upload your artwork or advert copy here

You must be the copyright owner and we'll assume you have permission for us to publish whatever you upload. Please submit written content in Word or Publisher files. Adverts with logos and graphics should be the correct size, 600dpi resolution and supplied in jpg format. Graphic adverts submitted in other formats will be converted to jpg. If you need help, please contact us for advice.

Your name

Your email address

Your phone number


Payments may be made via BACS, cash or cheque via post or in person, by the due date.
BACS payment information: 80-06-87 00318402. Please use your name as reference, to aid identification!
Please make cheques payable to Gairloch & District Times.
All fees to cover the total number of insertions are required prior to inclusion.All contributions should have a name, address, telephone number or email address.
An invoice can be issued if required, and must be paid by the due date. If payment is not received, the advert will be discontinued.

Please tell us how you will pay