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Application form

Use this form to apply to Gründergarasjen on behalf of your startup. We accept applications in English or Norwegian. You can apply at any time. Your application will be handled confidentially. We will get back to you after we have reviewed your application.

Startup name

What is the name of your startup? This could for example be your startup company's name, the brand name of the product that you are working on, or a working title for your startup idea.

Company registered

Is your startup company already registered in a company registry?


What problem are you trying to solve? If your customers and users are different groups, try describing both the customer problem and the user problem. Try quantifying various aspects of the problem, the need for solutions to the problem, the market size and customers' willingness to pay for having the problem solved.


What product do you want to create in the Garage to solve the problem? Motivate why your product is great. Try explaining how you intend to implement and bring the product to market, differentiate it from competing products, and make it appealing for customers to buy and end-users to use.


Describe the team that are working on the product. Motivate why your team is the right one to implement and commercialise the product.

Team links

If you are on LinkedIn or other professional networks, please enter the links to the profiles of your key team members.


How can you contribute to other members in the Garage? Describe the knowledge, skills or connections you could potentially share with others.


Select a location to which you are applying.

Start date

From when would you like to be at the location?

Contact person

What is the name of the contact person to whom we shall send our response?

Contact email

To which email address shall we send our response?

Contact phone

Please provide your phone number in case we would like to reach out to you over telephone.


Are there any links relevant to your startup that you want to share with us?


Are there any attachments relevant to your startup that you want to share with us?

Legal notice


When you submit our application form, any personal data that you provide is collected by Gründergarasjen AS. See our contact information.

Purposes of processing

Collected data is processed for the purpose of application processing. For this purpose, we do the following:
We collect the full name of applicants to determine whether an applicant has previously applied to us or been associated with us. We store the data for this purpose indefinitely. We do so to be able to later find the application based on the applicant's name. Such processing is legally permissible under Article 6(1)f of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 GDPR as it is necessary for the purposes of our legitimate interests.
We collect the full name, email address, and phone number of applicants to be able to reach a contact person named in an application. We store the data for this purpose for 3 years. We do so to stay in touch with some of our past applicants while they are still potentially relevant for acceptance into the Garage. Such processing is legally permissible under Article 6(1)f of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 GDPR as it is necessary for the purposes of our legitimate interests.
We collect the links to LinkedIn or other professional network profiles of applicants to better assess an applicant's team when reviewing an application to Gründergarasjen, to determine whether any of the team members of the applicant has applied to us before, and to conduct research on applicant team composition. We store the data for this purpose indefinitely. We do so to detect whether any team member has applied to us before, and to enable research on accumulated team composition data. Such processing is legally permissible under Article 6(1)f of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 GDPR as it is necessary for the purposes of our legitimate interests.

Data processors

Collected personal data is shared with Celonis, Inc., a cloud service provider located in the USA and engaged by us to store and process personal data on our behalf.
Collected personal data is shared with Notion Labs, Inc., a cloud service provider located in the USA and engaged by us to store and process personal data on our behalf.
Collected personal data is shared with Tally BV, a cloud service provider located in Belgium and engaged by us to store and process personal data on our behalf.

Final note

By submitting the application form, you accept the abovementioned terms.