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Port a Number to Dialzara

You are about to port your phone number(s) into Dialzara which means that we will work with your current provider to move your number(s) to your Dialzara account. The process typically takes 2-4 weeks, and we will provide updates via email.

We are currently able to port in numbers from the continental United States only.

1. Getting Started

I understand and agree to the following:

I understand and agree to the following:

2. Basic Information

Residential or Business?

Residential or Business?

First and Last Name





Zip Code

Landline & Toll Free Numbers You Wish To Port

1 number per line

Wireless Numbers You Wish To Port

In addition to the number, you must also include the account number and PIN or last 4 of SSN for all wireless number port requests.

3. Documents

Letter of Authorization

The Letter of Authorization is a form used to release your number(s) from your current provider to Dialzara. This form must include your address information that your provider has on file for you as well as the phone number(s).

Please download the Letter of Authorization form , complete it including all numbers entered above and upload.

Billing Statements

Carriers use billing documents to prove that you own the phone number(s) you are attempting to port. Without correct documentation, your port request can be rejected.

If you are porting a Google Voice number…

Please take a screenshot of the Google Voice settings page making sure the phone number and your email address appear in the screenshot.

If you are porting a Toll Free, Landline, or VoIP number…

Please send us your latest monthly bill which includes the phone number(s). If your provider does not provide you with a bill, please provide a receipt of phone number purchase and/or a screenshot of your account portal with the phone numbers included.